
Collective take-back systems for electrical equipment and packaging

The company FLACARP s.r.o., ID No.: 07197047, is a member of a collective system for the take-back of electrical appliances, batteries and used packaging.


Electrical equipment and their take-back

The ecological disposal of our products according to the Waste Act No. 185/2001 Coll. and the End-of-Life Products Act No. 542/2020 Coll. is ensured by the "Collective Performance Contract of the Electrical Equipment Manufacturer" within the collective system of REMA System, a.s. Budějovická 1667/64, 140 00 Prague 4, under certificate number: 0508132000


This company organises the collection, sorting, treatment and recycling of electrical waste throughout the Czech Republic.

The fee for the take-back of e-waste is already included in the price of the product.

The REMA certificate for electrical equipment can be found HERE.


Disposal of spent batteries

FLACARP s.r.o. fulfils its obligations under Act No. 297/2009 Coll. (amendment to Act No. 185/2001 Coll., on waste) through REMA Battery, s.r.o. Antala Staška 510/38, 140 00 Prague 4 - Krč, under certificate number: 1148.

Used batteries and accumulators, improperly disposed of with regular waste, can seriously damage the environment. Over time, they release harmful substances, in particular heavy metals, which can pollute soil or ground and surface water and have a demonstrably harmful effect on human health. Significant energy and material savings of primary raw materials can be achieved by recycling the metallic substances contained in batteries.

Used power supply batteries can be handed in free of charge at all locations designated as take-back points.


The REMA Battery certificate can be found HERE.



We pride ourselves on being environmentally friendly and therefore provide you with options to easily and free of charge dispose of your end-of-life electrical equipment/batteries.

The consumer plays a crucial role in the system of disposal of electrical appliances and batteries. It is the consumer who decides what to do with the old appliance/battery. Old and unwanted electrical appliances and batteries do not belong in unsorted municipal waste, but should be handed over to collection points, so-called take-back points, from which they are sent for reuse or recycling.

The consumer must be informed by the symbols below that the electrical equipment/batteries concerned do not belong in municipal waste. All new electrical equipment/batteries are so marked. The symbol may be indicated directly on the equipment, on its packaging or in the instructions for use or warranty card.



Symbol 1



Symbol 2


How to dispose of an old appliance?

via the publicly available REMA collection network for take-back, see https://www.rema.cloud/sberna-mista/

via the publicly available collection network for take-back, see https://isoh.mzp.cz/registrmistelektro

for quantities up to 10 kg, the re:Balik service can be used

for quantities of 10 kg or more, the BUD LINY service can be used

If you need advice, you can call the free Smart Recycling line (800 976 679)


Why recycle?

Not only electrical equipment, but also batteries and accumulators contain many recyclable metals such as zinc, iron, manganese, nickel, cadmium and lead. Some of these substances are also very dangerous for the environment and human health, especially mercury, lead and cadmium. Selected batteries are often marked with the symbol of the chemical element they contain (Pb, Cd, Hg).

By taking batteries and electrical equipment to a take-back point, we are saving primary raw material resources, especially by recycling the material, and at the same time protecting our environment from possible improper disposal.


Packaging materials and their recycling

FLACARP s.r.o. fulfils its obligations under Act No. 477/2001 Coll., the Packaging Act, through EKO-KOM, a.s., Na Pankráci 1685/17, Prague 4, under client number: F00210079.

EKO-KOM, a.s. operates a nationwide system of sorting, recycling and subsequent recovery of packaging waste.

Basic information on how to sort waste can be found here:


The Eko-kom certificate can be found HERE.

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